Friday, July 16, 2010

Scale Free Challenge - Phase I

One of my goals for changing my attitudes toward my body is to stop weighing. Prior to starting IE (and actually for the first couple weeks after starting), I was weighing at least once a day and more often two to three times per day. I started gradually cutting back when I started IE, but I want to do even better where that’s concerned. Still, it’s a very hard habit to break, so I’m going to take it in stages. Stage one, one month without weighing. I've actually not stepped on a scale since July 1. How's it been? Not as bad as I thought, but I won't lie, there've been a couple of days when the urge to drag that contraption out from it's hiding place under the bed and see where I stand has been really strong. But so far, I've been able to resist. Can I make it until August 1 without weighing? Well, let’s see….


  1. Good luck with your intuitive eating journey, please do let me know if I can support you in anyway.

  2. Thanks, Christie! Your blog is already an inspiration.
